Hospice care is a form of compassionate care for individuals facing a terminal illness, providing them with medical support, pain management, and emotional and spiritual care. Knowing who qualifies for hospice care can help patients and their families make timely and informed decisions about end-of-life care.

Who Qualifies for Hospice Care?

Eligibility for hospice care is generally determined by a set of medical criteria and evaluations by healthcare professionals:

  1. Diagnosis of a Terminal Illness: A primary criterion for hospice care is a diagnosis of a terminal illness with a prognosis of six months or less if the illness follows its natural course​​​​.
  2. Physician Certification: At least one, and in some cases two, physicians must certify that the patient’s life expectancy is six months or less due to a terminal illness​​.
  3. Medical Director Agreement: The hospice medical director must concur with the attending doctor’s prognosis for hospice care to proceed​​.
  4. Medicare Criteria: For those covered under Medicare Part A, the hospice doctor and the regular doctor, if there is one, must certify the terminal illness. Additionally, patients must choose to receive comfort care (palliative care) instead of treatments aimed at curing their illness​​.
  5. Patient’s Decision: The patient must have decided to forgo curative treatments to focus on quality of life and symptom relief​​.

Understanding the Hospice Philosophy

Hospice care is all about quality of life. It supports patients in living their remaining time as fully as possible and in as much comfort as can be provided. Hospice teams are interdisciplinary, offering comprehensive care that includes physical, emotional, and spiritual support tailored to the patient’s needs and wishes.  Hospice care is a gift – learn more about hospice and the services we can offer on our website.

How to Begin the Hospice Care Process

If you or a loved one meets the hospice eligibility criteria, the next step is to have a conversation with your healthcare provider. They can help you understand the process, refer you to hospice care services, and begin the necessary paperwork.  Aspire Home Health and Hospice is available to offer answers and guidance to anybody who needs them.


Eligibility for hospice care centers around a terminal diagnosis and a patient-centered decision to pursue comfort over cure. Understanding these criteria can bring clarity during a challenging time, enabling patients and families to choose care that aligns with their values and needs.

For more detailed information about hospice care eligibility, call Aspire Home Health and Hospice today.

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